The Buzz Is…It’s Time For Scheduling!







Bee sure to check out our YouTube Snippet on Bee Inspired Programming being scheduled NOW!

The Bee Inspired Program is now scheduling programming for the 2020-2021 year in Franklin, Hamilton, & Wright Counties (Iowa).  We are one of the Programs offered through the Building Families Early Childhood Area.







We are 1 of the 20 Community Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention (CAPP) Grantees in the state of Iowa, through Prevent Child Abuse Iowa.







We are able to collaborate with community agencies, schools, youth-serving and faith organizations, businesses, youth, parents/caregivers and other alternative settings. Our programming is:

  • medically accurate
  • age-appropriate
  • evidence-based/informed
  • offered at no cost

We cover a variety of comprehensive sexual health topics (i.e. communication, relationships, consent, decision-making & refusal skills, puberty, anatomy & reproduction, adolescent pregnancy and STD/STI prevention) through a variety of curricula options & topical presentations, as well as other resources, outreach, & programming options!

Feel free to contact us if you’re interested in having our Program Coordinator buzz by your school/alternative setting, civic/community group, health fair, zoom event, or another community setting. With COVID, we know some things are still up in the air and are subject to change. Please note that programming can be offered in-person or adapted virtually.



Bee Inspired Program through Building Families: A Successful Bidder in Community Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention (CAPP) Program Awards

On Friday May 31, 2019, the Iowa Department of Human Services (DHS) Agency announced their intent to award funding to successful bidders for the Community Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention (CAPP) Program Grant. The Bee Inspired Program through Building Families is proud to announce that they are one of the several successful bidders to receive this funding. The formal contract will take effect on July 1, 2019, for the serving area of Franklin, Hamilton, and Wright Counties.
In January 2019, DHS released the Community Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention (CAPP) Program Local Service Project Grants Request for Proposal (RFP) for the purposes of implementing Comprehensive Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention strategies across the state at the local level. Agencies were eligible to apply for the grant funds in an effort to reduce the rates of Adolescent pregnancy and Adolescent childbearing in Iowa communities by implementing Evidence-Based, Comprehensive Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention strategies to youth in Iowa. The programming is to be inclusive of gender identity and gender expression, with specific attention and programming offered to High-risk/High-need populations. Services provided as a result of this procurement may vary amongst the awarded bidders, but shall be provided to Adolescents (non-pregnant, pregnant, or parenting), parents/caregivers, and community members including but not limited to, youth-serving organizations, Out-of-Home Placement residential facilities for Adolescents, schools, and/or faith communities. More specific details on programming and services to be offered in Franklin, Hamilton, and Wright Counties by the Bee Inspired Program through Building Families will be shared after the contract is finalized.
The Bee Inspired Program through Building Families has been providing services and programming in Hamilton, Humboldt, Wright Counties since 2008 through the CAPP Grant. Over the last couple of years, they expanded services into the Garner-Hayfield-Ventura School District Area in Hancock/Cerro Gordo Counties, and just this last year expanded into Franklin County.
This new fiscal year and new CAPP Program Grant award will bring several changes. The biggest being an updated service coverage area. It is with a heavy heart, the Program announces discontinuation of services in Humboldt, Hancock, and Cerro Gordo Counties effective June 30, 2019. As mentioned above, the Program intends to serve Franklin, Hamilton, and Wright Counties effective July 1, 2019 (pending the finalized contract with DHS). Additionally, programming and services will look a bit different starting in the new fiscal year. However, the Program will be continuing to provide vital adolescent sexual health programming, services and resources in the communities that assists in accomplishing the goal to decrease the rates of sexually transmitted diseases/infections (STDs/STIs), adolescent pregnancies, and additional pregnancies to pregnant/parenting adolescents. By being awarded the CAPP Program Grant for at least three additional years, the Bee Inspired Program through Building Families is able to continue their mission to empower ALL adolescents to make healthy informed decisions through education and community awareness!

The Bee Inspired Program would like to extend a heartfelt THANK YOU to the youth, parents/caregivers, school district educators and administrators, community providers (especially the Public Health entities and staff), businesses, civic and non-profit organizations, Council Members, Board Members, community champions, and other individuals that have supported and/or been involved in the programming and services over the years, in Humboldt County and the Garner-Hayfield-Ventura School District Area within Hancock/Cerro Gordo Counties.We appreciate the relationships that have been built in an effort to help children and families be happier, healthier, and more successful; especially  around the education, prevention and awareness of adolescent sexual health topics.

SHARE YOUR TALENT Challenge Deadline 6/17/19







The Bee Inspired Program through Building Families encourages youth ages 12-19 that live in or attend school in Hamilton, Humboldt, and Wright Counties to enter the SHARE YOUR TALENT Challenge. It is one of several activities wrapping up Teen Empowerment Month in May. It is an opportunity to share their voice and talents, while to taking an active role in empowering their peers to make healthy informed decisions through education and community awareness.

We are calling all future writers, directors, actors, actresses, musicians, artists and more to take part in the Challenge. The contest is part of our recognition of Teen Empowerment Month in May. Peer to peer messages can be very powerful, and are an important prevention tool. The contest is designed for youth in the tri-county area to develop video/movie clips, photography, music, art, poetry, or some other form of medium that are creative, unique, medically accurate, age-appropriate, and meet the challenge criteria.

The theme for the Challenge is “Bee Empowered”. Healthy, happy and successful youth are essential to the well-being of every community. For this Challenge, we are asking youth to share how they are empowered to be happy, healthy and successful. It can be for them personally, tips for other youth, building youth-adult-connections, or more! Need Ideas? Here are a few:
• Share a response to, “I am powerful when…”
• Respond to, “How are you empowered to make healthy, informed decisions?”
• Highlight ways youth can “bee empowered” to be healthy, or more!
If they wish, youth may also include (but are not limited to) tips or information on getting the facts, setting limits and boundaries, being safe and protected, healthy relationships, teen health and/or sexual health topics, responsibility, STD or pregnancy prevention, resisting pressure(s), accessing resources, having conversations with approachable adults, or other topics related “being empowered” to make happy, healthy and informed decisions as a youth.

Local classrooms, after-school programs, individuals, and/or groups of youth are eligible to enter the SHARE YOUR TALENT Challenge. Entries are due by 4pm on June 17, 2019. The winning entry will have the chance to win a $100 cash prize, and additional prize opportunities for other entries. All winning entries will be recognized by the Bee Inspired Program prior to June 30th.

For more information on the challenge, additional activities in the tri-county area for Teen Empowerment Month and the program; please contact Tiffany with the Bee Inspired Program at, or buzz on over to our social media platforms or
Each entry must submit the following forms:

TEM Talent Challenge Submission Form-Media Release TEM Share Your Talent Challenge2019