In the past, the Right County Youth Leaders (RCYL) has been available to 9th-12th grade students in the Clarion-Goldfield-Dows Community School District. We partnered with Community & Family Resources (CFR) to offer the youth-development activities. We would love to expand to additional schools or alternative settings in Wright County!
There are two parts available:
1. Teens are able to participate in various awareness activities that are offered by partnering community agencies during the lunch-hour randomly throughout the school year.
2. Teens are able to join the group to plan prevention and awareness activities. The group would meet twice a month based on youth schedules. Activities may include prevention, random acts of kindness, health education topics, encouraging positivity, & more!

Those interested in forming a group for the 2019-2020 school year may contact our Bee Inspired Program Coordinator at or 515.602.6371 (ext. 4).


Franklin County Teens:
Bee Inspired is seeking teens in Franklin County interested in being part of a group that wants to partner with community agencies to create activities that focus on prevention, youth development, community awareness, and increasing positive youth-adult connections!

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