The Bee Inspired CAPP Program and Parent Connection Program through Building Families, Power Up YOUth in Hamilton County, Iowa, and additional providers in Hamilton, Humboldt, and Wright Counties are joining forces with The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse to celebrate Family Day – Be Involved. Stay Involved® on September 26, 2016. This will springboard their efforts in supporting Let’s Talk Month in October. CASA Family Day is a national initiative to promote simple acts of parental engagement as key ways to help prevent risky substance use in children and teens. Each October is celebrated as Let’s Talk Month, both in Iowa and nationally. The month is an awareness and education campaign dedicated to helping parents, guardians, and other adults talk about relationships and sexual health topics with youth in an open, honest, and comprehensive way. Research shows that children with hands-on parents are far less likely to smoke, drink or use other drugs. Providing youth with accurate, reliable health education is an important responsibility. Studies reveal most kids prefer learning about these “tough topics” from their parents or a trusting adult! We as providers want to remind parents and caregivers the importance of being the primary educators for children, especially in regards to talking about substance use, relationships, values, and other health-related topics.
The Bee Inspired CAPP Advisory Council encourages parents, caregivers, and other approachable adults to Get the FACTS! Start EARLY & TALK often! Parental engagement is key in helping our youth become healthy and successful future mentors and leaders. We encourage parents, caregivers, and other adults to enjoy Family Day together, and to take the family day STAR Pledge at “Every child deserves to grow up healthy and happy with an adolescent that is free from addiction. Parents, one of the best ways you can help keep your kids stay substance free is to be engaged in their lives – that includes being there for them at dinner,” says Jeffrey B. Lane, The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse’s Chairman. “The conversations that take place during family dinners give you a window into what your kids are going through and helps you keep the lines of communication open with them.” Agencies in our tri-county area have collaborated to create conversation placemats that will be available at various restaurants launching on Family Day, going into October for Let’s Talk Month. The focus is that great conversations take place over a meal. The activities and materials have been adapted from the CASA website, and will be highlighted on our website, Facebook Page, and other social media accounts (@beeinspiredCAPP). More information and activities for Let’s Talk Month will be circulated in October. Remember, parental engagement matters!
Adolescence is the critical period for the initiation of risky behaviors, including substance use and its consequences.
- Nine out of 10 Americans who meet the medical criteria for addiction started smoking, drinking, or using other drugs before age 18.
- Addiction is a disease that in most cases begins in adolescence so preventing or delaying teens from using nicotine, alcohol, or other drugs for as long as possible is crucial to their health and safety.
- Preventing or delaying teens from using alcohol, nicotine or other drugs for as long as possible is crucial to their health and safety.
The mission of the Bee Inspired CAPP Program is to empower ALL youth to make healthy informed decisions through education and community awareness. The Program, and its Advisory Council members are committed to strengthening children and families in the tri-county area, and believes that celebrating Family Day and Let’s Talk Month are both important first steps in helping to keeping America’s children and teens free of addiction and other risky behaviors. For additional information about Family Day, visit For information on Let’s Talk Month in October, check out EyesOpenIowa or Advocates For Youth. Want more tips, tools, or resources on how to be more approachable on those “tough topic”? Contact us at or buzz around our website.
Photo Sources: The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) and EyesOpenIowa