October is “Let’s Talk Month,” a time to highlight the importance of communication and openness between adults and their children to help young people develop positive, healthy attitudes and behaviors about sexual health. This month, families across Iowa will have honest conversations about the facts, feelings, and questions they have about healthy relationships and responsible sexual decision making.  Iowa families are not alone in recognizing October as “Let’s Talk Month,” as Advocates for Youth is the leader in nationally recognizing this month. In Iowa, EyesOpenIowa: Your Connection to Adolescent Sexual Health, and others will encourage teens and parents/caregivers to talk about healthy sexuality and other sexual health topics.

Research indicates that young people who feel connected to their family and clearly understand their family’s values concerning sexual health and relationships are more likely to avoid risk- taking behaviors. Teens report that they want to receive information about sexual health topics from their parents and caregivers. Moreover, a majority of teens agree that it would be easier for them to postpone sexual activity and avoid teen pregnancy if they were able to have more open, honest conversations about these topics with their parents.

Not an expert?  Don’t worry, we have you covered! Parents, teens, faith and civic groups, schools, health providers and others interested in learning how to start these honest conversations can reach out to their local adolescent pregnancy prevention coalition, funded by the Iowa Department of Human Services Community Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention (CAPP) Grant Program. In Hamilton, Humboldt, and Wright (HHW) counties, the Bee Inspired CAPP Program through Building Families will be promoting the Let’s Talk Month Campaign. Be on the lookout for activities, events, and resources shared throughout the tri-county serving area and on social media.

  • Conversation Placemats at Local Restaurants
  • Distributing “The Talk Toolkits” (provided by EyesOpenIowa
  • Zombie-Themed Family Fun Activities at Kidzmania (10/15 in Fort Dodge) and the 3rd Annual Zombie Fun Run to Prevent Child Abuse in HHW Counties (10/22 in Eagle Grove)
  • Right Choice Teen Clinic in Clarion for teens ages 12-19 from HHW Counties

Information on Bee Inspired programming for TEENS can be found here.  Buzz around the adult portal here. EyesOpenIowa has resources for parents here.Want more info on Let’s Talk Month?  Check out Advocates For Youth here.

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